Yet another geek blog

20 December 2010

And Another Thing... (Hitchhiker's Guide, #6) by Eoin Colfer

Panic Now, The Guide is back!

This is a very enjoyable read and it was great fun to be plunged back into Adams' world. The characterisation of Arthur is a bit ropey but Ford and Zaphod leap off the page like old friends. Colfer shows that he knows his stuff by tentative linking to different Guide continuities and even to Dirk Gently.

Frustratingly though, it is just too careful not to stray from the path. In places it feels like a Douglas Adams tribute. (In a way of course, it is.) With Adams, you never knew where you were going to be on the next page. This book has none of that attitude.

Of course, it is good that Colfer wants to embrace the fans and show that he respects the material he has been given. But I hope that in the next book, he is confident enough to honour the spirit of Douglas Adams by letting his imagination of the leash a little more.


posted by Yet Another Geek @ Monday, December 20, 2010


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